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Why Is My Weight Loss Plan Stalled?

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Making Slow Progress With A Weight Loss Plan?

As a nutrition consultant, I hear it over and over again –  “I’ve tried everything to lose weight;”  ” Doesn’t matter what diet I follow – nothing works,”  ” I eat strict ( Paleo, Keto, Vegan…etc.) and exercise daily and I just lose and regain the same pounds.”  This cycle of constant weight loss and re-gaining is so frustrating to many individuals that they simply give up trying to find a solution.  However the consequences of increased weight begins to creep into their health status with rising blood sugar and lipids, indicating pre-diabetes and risk of cardiovascular disease. 

        Sustainable weight management use to be straight forward with caloric restriction and increased exercise.  Unfortunately, this is no longer enough for many people as the burden of environmental toxins and chemicals have altered their metabolism to promote fat storage.  This is a huge problem in the United States, as our food supply is often contaminated with pesticides or herbicides ( such as Round-Up) or has been genetically modified to resist weeds / pests.   Chronic exposure to these micro pollutants occurs from eating meat contaminated with these chemicals (stored within fat); residues on vegetables/ fruits, through our water supply; and also through dermal/inhalation exposure when showering, bathing, and swimming. High levels of persistent organic pollutants or PCB’s, have been shown in studies to cause type II diabetes and obesity through their disruption of endocrine pathways  and  estrogen receptors.  Unfortunately rapid weight loss can stimulate the release of these obesogenic chemicals into sensitive tissues like the brain, kidneys, and liver causing inflammation and sets the individual up for future weight gain.   And so the cycle of weight loss / weight gain continues. 

 How can this cycle be broken and a healthy weight loss be attained?   

   I often recommend the Standard Process Purification Program initially for individuals with any health concern – it dramatically “jump starts” weight loss and improvement in health in just 3 weeks.  The key to this program, is that the detoxification pathways are optimized, especially the coordination of the phase I and phase II pathways in the liver which is so critical for toxin removal.  The combination of herbs and whole organic food extracts in the SP Purification program along with a limited diet of organic veggies, fruits and legumes is designed to metabolically pull toxins from deep tissues.  I’ve used this program now for over 15 years and have not found any other company’s program to be superior.  

SP Purification Kits on Sale NOW until Jan 18, 2025!  


     Because of the potential for toxin release any diet must be closely monitored by a professional to make sure that there are no adverse effects and that a slow, healthy weight loss is achieved.   



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