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ABA Family Chiropractic Allergy Elimination Patient Reviews

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I would like to preface my story by saying I consider myself to be a healthy person. At the time of my story I was 28 years old, 5ft. 6in., 165lbs., with perfect blood pressure, and an active life style. Some might say I’m a “health food nut”, because I’m not addicted to pop, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, or fast food, and I am always conscious of what I put in my body.

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My problem started gradually, and for about 4 weeks I had diarrhea once or twice per week. During that time I tried some home remedies to stop the diarrhea with no success, therefore, I made an appointment to see my doctor. He suggested waiting a little longer to do anything medical, then if symptoms persisted to see a gastroenterologist. Almost immediately after the appointment my symptoms became much worse, with me having diarrhea every day.

I would get up in the morning and go to the bathroom 5 or 6 times, until there was nothing left in me. I started to eliminate things from my diet, trying to get some relief. Yet nothing seemed to help. I was still working during this time, which only exhausted and dehydrated me further. I was weak, fatigued, light headed, having trouble maintaining my body temperature, had no appetite, and was losing weight fast. When I went to the GI doctor he ordered a blood test for Celiac disease, but it would take 10-14 days to get the results. I was so desperate for relief that I cut everything out of my diet except boiled chicken and rice.

One day I came home from work and called my mother-in-law to come watch over me. By the time she got to me I was sweating profusely. I told her I needed to go to the hospital. My hands and feet became numb and I started to shake. I was so weak I couldn’t stand, and I had trouble putting sentences together. My dad had to carry me to the car. When we got to the emergency room it took 2 IV bags to rehydrate me. The emergency room doctor and the attending gastroenterologist wanted to admit me for further testing , only to be denied admission by my family doctor. The next morning I woke up in the same state of health as the night before. Not knowing what to do, I told my wife that I needed to go back to the hospital. My family doctor made me come to his office before admitting me to the hospital.

After being admitted to the hospital I underwent a gauntlet of tests, including a colonoscopy, chest x-ray, countless blood tests, CAT scan, electrocardiogram, upper GI studies, 24hr. stool and urine analysis, and many more. After 7 days in the hospital I was discharged with a diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome, I was down to 147 pounds (a loss of 18 pounds). I left with little to no information and in no better shape than when I was admitted. Most of the tests at the hospital had come back negative or normal. The only new information we had about my condition was that two of the tests showed that my body was not absorbing the fat that I was eating, and that I was also losing protein. In layman’s terms this meant that even though I was eating, I was starving to death.

While I was in the hospital I called my Chiropractor, and he recommended that I see Dr. Pickens. The day after I was released I called Dr. Pickens’ office, and the secretary had Dr. Pickens call me on his lunch hour. I told him what I was experiencing and he thought he could help. The next day Dr. Pickens worked me into his schedule even though he was leaving for vacation that evening. He spent over two hours with me, listening to and documenting my health history. He was able to identify two major problems at the time; he began by treating my most prominent issue.

After having spent a week in the hospital being poked and prodded and losing all sense of dignity with little to no results, Dr. Pickens’ testing method was painless and noninvasive. His testing is low tech but very precise. The first treatment with the cold laser seemed too good to be true. It was quick, easy, and totally painless. The effects of the treatment started working almost immediately. For the first time in a month I actually had an appetite. Over the course of six weeks he treated me for 5 different identified problems. With each of the treatments I never felt any ill effects and saw noticeable improvements. One of my problems was long standing lactose intolerance that I had been dealing with for a decade. He was able to correct the lactose intolerance with only two treatments. Dr. Pickens was able to help me in a fraction of the time and cost of traditional medicine, and the treatment worked.

Since seeing Dr. Pickens I have been able to return to work and a normal diet. I was very happy with the results. I recommended him to any one with digestive issues, or to any one with food allergies.

- Zach G.

I tried acupuncture and Chantix in unsuccessful attempts to stop smoking. Then I was about to give the patch a shot when Dr. Pickens suggested I give “Just Stop” a try. “Just Stop” was the easiest method to quit smoking, yet!

In addition to 3 specialized cold laser treatments to “reprogram” my central nervous system during the first week of stopping smoking, I used an herbal supplement along with a homeopathic formula to lessen cravings. Remarkably, there was no great urge to smoke. I had no nicotine cravings and did not feel nervous or irritable. It was so easy and it worked! What a blessing.

P.S. Within a few months of successful quitting smoking, my husband tried the Just Stop program and easily quit also.

- Marcia & Dennis C.

When my medical doctor discovered I had hypothyroidism, she prescribed the traditional drug. I asked if there weren’t some vitamins or something I could take to improve my thyroid’s function. She said there wasn’t anything that she knew of. I read up on the drug and was shocked to learn that once you take it, you must take it for life. It takes over for your thyroid and your thyroid atrophies. Someone recommended Dr. Pickens, and although I was skeptical, I made an appointment. Dr. Pickens has changed my life!

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Through muscle testing, he determined exactly what my thyroid needed and what dose. (No wasting money on supplements that “might” help.) I took supplements for a few months and went back to my medical doctor for a check-up. I confessed to her that I didn’t take the drug she had prescribed, but tried natural remedies. She said, “Oh, then you need another thyroid test.” To her surprise and my delight, my thyroid tested fine.

I have had digestive problems and sinus congestion my whole life. When I was tested for allergies by an M.D. allergist through blood tests and painful scratch tests, the tests were positive only for dust-mites. The doctor explained to me that there are different allergic responses and the scratch test only tests for IgE response. He said I could very well have other allergies, but they only test for things they can give shots for. Ouch! Dr. Pickens to the rescue! Through NAET, he does pain-free muscle testing for allergies. He has been treating me for allergies, and I can breathe through both nostrils now, and my digestive problems have virtually disappeared.

I am so pleased with what Dr. Pickens has done for me that I have put my precious grandchildren in his hands. He cured my nine year old’s daily headaches with chiropractic. Through NAET, we are eliminating their allergies and already see a big improvement in some bed-wetting problems. My three-year-old grandson is so thrilled with his treatments that he told me, “I wish I could get treated by Doctor Pickens everyday!”

When you see a surgeon, he recommends surgery. When you see an M.D., he recommends drugs. When you see Doctor Pickens, he has a more open-minded approach. He believes in treating the person and curing the root cause. He isn’t married to one method of treatment. He is a perfectionist with a wealth of knowledge and skill in chiropractic, NAET, muscle testing and nutritional supplements. Best of all, he takes the time to listen because he truly cares about you.

- Theresa P.

I’m one of those people you never would have picked out of a line up and said, “She’s a drug addict.” But I was one. That’s correct, “Was.” My journey to getting free from the chains of addiction from pharmaceutical drugs was painful, but worth it all. Your story may be a lot like mine. No one thinks they will become a drug addict when they begin using pharmaceutical drugs to get relief from depression, insomnia, and anxiety. Never-the-less, the effects that these drugs have on our physiological bodies make us prisoners in our bodies.

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My decision to get off these drugs stemmed from my husband and I losing our health benefits after he retired. Since we could no longer afford to pay for my prescriptions of Ambien and Ativan, I decided to forge forward with the support of my husband and begin weaning myself off these powerful drugs.

The physical and emotional strain that not only I had to go through, but also my entire family, was nothing I could have ever envisioned. None-the-less, we were committed to seeing this entire process through. That is when we contacted Dr. Pickens.

Dr. Pickens’ innovative methods of treating me with NAET, and chiropractic adjustments, along with nutritional supplements, allowed me to speed up the detoxing process. It gave my brain the needed support so that it could return to a balanced state. Also, the compassion and support that Dr. Pickens offered my husband and I as he walked with us through this painful adventure was something that you don’t get to experience much in the Western medical world.

I am now sleeping through the entire night without any use of Ambien, which I was on for almost 10 years. I have complete peace, free from any anxiety, after having to use anti-anxiety drugs for almost a year. The health that I am now experiencing is something that I did not think was even possible.

The difference between Dr. Pickens and the rest of the medical world is that Dr. Pickens can help you be truly healed. You no longer have to take the pills to cover symptoms. With his holistic health approach, the body heals itself and the disease goes away. It is truly a gift that I can not stop praising the Lord for!

- Pat C.

NAET has simplified my life. Before my son and I were de-sensitized, there was not a meat I could fix that my entire family of four could eat (without negative consequences). I was allergic to beef and chicken, my son was allergic to eggs and turkey, and my daughter is allergic to all seafood. (She has yet to be treated.) NAET has made my life easier – I can fix just one meat for a meal instead of two.

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Our menu has expanded too. Plus I can eat out at restaurants and other people’s homes. We again have omelets, egg-protein/fruit smoothies, cookies, and muffins in our home.

I used to have aches in my feet and hips, which I only had after eating red meat-I don’t have that pain anymore. Also, my hands used to have dry itchy patches of skin that cracked and bled. When I desensitized to RNA/DNA and plant fats, my hands cleared. They are normal! I don’t hide my hands now.

Another huge difference NAET has made in our lives is with my elementary school-age son. He was demanding, angry, irritable, irrational, and did not accept responsibility for his wrong doings. He was tired and had little to no attention span. Since he has been treated for the pertinent nutrients, he’s a pleasure to be around. He has made a huge turn around in the efficiency and quality of his school work (and chores). Thank-you Dr. Pickens!

- Dawn A. & Christopher A.

While reading a book on finances, of all things, I took a quiz about my lifestyle and what was important to me. I thought it would end up revealing how much money I should put away for the future, instead, it pointed out that as a divorced woman with no children and her own business, what was most important to me was my health. Without anyone to “take care of me” as I aged and relying solely on myself for an income, I reached the startling conclusion that health must be number one. So, instead of dropping out of the health club to save money, like I though the book would advise, I joined the YMCA, (closer to my house), and signed up for twice a week spinning classes. I found a nutritionist and started to take control of my eating habits.

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Then menopause hit, bringing on hot flashes, insomnia, depression, and the search to make it through this phase of my life unscathed by drugs. A friend of mine with boundless energy and an enviable ability to cope with life was going through menopause at the same time. During a conversation one evening, she told me she was being treated by Dr. Mike Pickens for her chiropractic needs and receiving nutritional supplements to help control her hypoglycemia.

I was taking the alphabet in vitamins plus a few other herbs, and was wondering what I really needed. Exactly how much vitamin C did I need to supplement considering my new eating habits? Was I just wasting my money and literally flushing the excess away? Dr. Pickens seemed like the perfect solution.

My first visit to Dr. Pickens completely took me by surprise. I thought he would take a blood sample and find out what vitamin and minerals I was missing, then concoct a supplement to fit my needs. Boy, was I wrong. I found myself lying on his treatment table with my arm up in the air holding little bottles of who knows what. Was this guy nuts or what?

The results of my first testing showed I was allergic to most every food known to Mankind. Which really didn’t surprise me, as my mother had always told me I was allergic to everything except liver, peas, applesauce and goats milk, when I was a baby. Yet the only thing I had severe reactions to were fresh citrus fruits, aspirin and sulfa.

Well, trying to keep an open mind and pushing away all thoughts of Dr. Pickens being an escapee from a mental asylum, I gave in to the first treatment. It ended up being very relaxing, totally non-invasive, and as a bonus, I got to take a 20 minute nap! But what would it do?

Within hours I would find out. That night I slept better than I had in at least three years. I slept soundly, never woke up during the night, and hopped out of bed refreshed. I didn’t care if Dr. Pickens ever cured a single allergy, if I got to sleep like this it was all worth it!

As time went by and I continued my treatments, I began to see some other results. At Christmas I ate my first orange in years without having an allergic reaction. I then tried to take a couple of aspirin and didn’t break out in hives. Amazingly, the treatment was working. I still couldn’t believe it, but the truth was right there staring me in the face… a big, delicious Florida orange.

I continued with the treatments and all was going well. It had gotten to the point that it only took one treatment for me to “clear” the allergen. (In the beginning it took upwards of three times.) Then, it seemed like out of the blue menopause came back with a vengeance, and I fell into a deep depression. The symptoms became progressively worse to the point I wasn’t leaving my house. I was cold to the core all the time and was sleeping 10 plus hours a day.

As I dragged myself to my appointment with Dr. Pickens, I never thought to tell him about my dilemma, and only mentioned my symptoms when he asked me how I was doing. Well, he jumped right in and treated me for thyroid. I couldn’t believe it. The next morning I woke up and could breath. Now, to anyone who has experienced depression, this is a major development. Typically you feel there is a 50 pound weight on your chest pushing down every breath you take. It was gone! This was astonishing.

As the week wore on, I continued to feel happier and happier (so much so I started to think maybe I was bi-polar and this was the high side)! The feelings started to subside by late in the week, and when I went back to Dr. Pickens, he had to treat me for thyroid again. It took three times to finally correct my thyroid condition, but my depression is thankfully a thing of the past.

How does NAET work? I have no idea, but I love the results. What is going to happen when I finish the program? I’m hoping Dr. Pickens will finally advise me what supplements, if any, I need to take, and I’ll walk out the door allergy free and healthy. I think I may become a super being and live disease free well into my 100’s? If I do, I’ll have to look up Dr. Pickens and his patients, as all our skeptical friends will be gone!

- Jeri W.


ABA Family Chiropractic Allergy Elimination Patient Reviews | (419) 535-7818