Boosting Fertility
Since June is Men’s Health Awareness Month, I thought I would discuss a topic that is plaguing our nation. Are you aware of the epidemic of infertility that is causing heartache to numerous young couples?
We at ABA Chiropractic are keenly aware of the need to educate our patients and others of the results of poor nutrition and its relationship to fertility problems. We know countless couples that have spent thousands of dollars on specialists trying to unnaturally support a pregnancy, when unfortunately the most obvious intervention of improving nutrition is overlooked. How can a healthy baby develop from parents that consume nothing but processed adulterated food? The building blocks of human life must come from nutrient dense whole foods or “sacred foods” as traditional societies often called them. Regardless of what your definition of a healthy diet is, it is probably not the plan that I consider a healthy conception diet because with its high fat content it is unpopular with the medical establishment. A diet for fertility will look different even compared to a normal healthy whole food diet – there are different nutrient needs at different stages of life. I know this discussion is long, but it is hard to break it up….
Research Review: Harvard Nurses Study and Dr. Weston Price
The Harvard Nurses Study II (which I am a part of ) showed an 80% decrease in infertility by switching to a diet that contained more whole vegetables, more fiber, more whole fat dairy, more nuts and consumed less sugar / simple carbohydrates and trans fats. Other lifestyle changes that favorably supported fertility included taking a multivitamin with iron, exercising daily and having a lower body mass index. Women, who followed a combination of five or more lifestyle factors, including changing specific aspects of their diets, experienced an 80% reduction in infertility issues due to ovulatory disorders, compared to women who engaged in none of the factors, according to a paper published in Obstetrics & Gynecology.
Dr. Weston Price’s recommendations are based on his classic 1930’s research of traditional diets that were followed in isolated societies and were known to support conception. His classic book “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration” outlines the devastating effects of adding westernized processed foods to the diets of people in these cultures. When the body is optimally nourished with foods that nature has provided and unhealthy foods are avoided, the body is then able to repair and rebuild itself which of course is imperative for a healthy pregnancy.
So let me review a conception diet, and yes guys you need to follow the guidelines also! Umm it takes two…….
Eat 5-8 servings organic vegetables and fruits. Focusing on the cruciferous veggies and greens to support liver and immune health.
Drink organic, grass-fed, whole fat, raw dairy or coconut milk. Avoid all commercial dairy due to the added hormones ( high estrogen) that these products contain. Nut milks are fine, but use brands that contain minimal additives.
Eat healthy unprocessed organic fats. Fats from nuts, avocado, olive oil, coconut, egg yolks, flaxseed, and butter all contribute to balanced hormones in individuals wanting to conceive.
Eat mostly cold water fish and take cod liver oil. Omega 3 support from fish / CLO helps control inflammation and supports the nervous system of the parents and the developing fetus. Check for safety of fish prior to consuming during pregnancy.
Eat only grass fed and organic meats and free range poultry / eggs. Sustainable, organic farming methods produces grass fed meats that are a great source of essential fatty acids protein, and contain fertility supporting saturated fat. The saturated fats in animal protein should not be avoided — rather they should be embraced, especially when one is trying to improve their fertility as these foods are full of fat soluble vitamins — A, D, E and K — which will help improve egg quality and reproductive health.
Eat only whole, soaked, organic grains. Whole grains, such as sprouted breads, heirloom rice, soaked oatmeal are filled with fiber, and the fragile B vitamins which support healthy blood sugar levels, critical for fetal development.. Fiber also helps the body to get rid of excess hormones and further supports blood sugar control.
No soy of any form unless fermented such as miso and tempeh. Soy is highly genetically modified in our country and even if organic and non-GMO will still contain estrogen like substances that can disrupt hormone levels.
Drink lots of clean water and avoid alcohol. Install a water filtration system, like a Berky filter or reverse osmosis system to obtain purified water. Make sure and add minerals to your water if your source is an RO system. Avoid bottled water since the microplastics and other chemicals can contribute to hormonal imbalances by their estrogen mimicking effects. Consumption of alcohol has been identified as one of the most important factors that negatively affects sperm quality in men, possibly from its effects on folate metabolism.